Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What is Beautiful?

You don't love a woman because she is beautiful; she is beautiful because you love her.

Everything is beautiful in God’s creation. Girls aren’t far behind. But what is most beautiful of all is the character than the outside skin texture. If at all every one praises the inner beauty of a person, the World will become a heavenly place to live.


1 comment:

  1. "If at all every one praises the inner beauty of a person, the World will become a heavenly place to live"

    One need to feel(seeing the inner beauty) the truth on this to appreciate. One who is able to see the inner beauty can easily be an happy person. He can handle any outer problems easily.
    To me it starts with self evaluation and it takes immense maturity, emapathy and patience.
    It is the Way of Life.......

    You photograph and message is thought provoking.

    - Vijay
